Independent distributors reach global audience of over two billion using ZOOsubs

ZOO’s ZOOsubs-powered subtitling service enables independent distributors to provide localized content to a global audience of over 2 billion viewers.
The cloud-based service from ZOO Digital produces quality, cost-effective subtitling for blockbuster features, award-winning episodic series and the latest music videos in over 55 languages and all formats, making video content accessible for both established and emerging global markets.
Growth in the international consumption of video entertainment offers independent content owners the opportunity to distribute localized video content to wider audiences. The increasing number of digital distribution platforms, such as iTunes and Netflix, provides cost-effective means to reach global markets with localized video entertainment.
ZOO’s software-powered approach is the ideal solution for independent content owners wanting to provide localized content to these markets. As ZOO President Gordon Doran explains, “Through the cloud, ZOO provide a scalable service to enable independent distributors, as well as major Hollywood studios, to deliver localized content to be enjoyed by audiences worldwide.”
ZOO will be attending the annual MIPCOM content marketplace in Cannes, France 13-16 October 2014. To arrange a MIPCOM meeting to learn more about ZOOsubs subtitling services, please click here.